USMC Issued Desert Marpat Combat Top

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The ACU cut that’s as clean as it is combat ready

Looking for an ACU cut that’s not in UCP? Tired of age-old and easy to find GWOT (Global War on Terror) camo patterns? Sick of Alibaba tier chinese knockoff digital desert patterns? Well, you’re in luck, and have come to the right place, because these United States Marine Corps Desert Marpat ACU Shirts are just the thing! Not only are they the most modern option for a gucci kit, they’re also brand new to hit the surplus market! With all the usual bells and whistles of the American ACU, many of the redundant and useless features of the UCP era ACU tops are gone! (Looking real hard at all those velcro fasteners on just about every section possible right now UCP bros…) Durable in every regard, and good for not only desert environments but also the yellowish and brown hued foliage of spring and autumn, these are a great addition to any collection or kit!

MARPAT (Marine Pattern)

MARPAT, short form for Marine Pattern, was a camo first conceived as a concept in 2001, and was eventually adopted between 2001 to 2002 as part of the Marine Corps Combat Utility Uniform program (MCCUU). The camo itself is made up of pixel generated designs, directly inspired and based around Canadian CADPAT (your favorite relish). Theoretically as a result, this allows it to exceed traditional camo fabric patterns by copying textures and jagged boundaries found in the environments it is used in. MARPAT also holds an intimidation factor, as used exclusively by the Marines, as it is intended to strike fear into opfor who see it and recognize their adversary by the aforementioned branch.


  • Resistant to fading, shrinking and wrinkling in the wash

  • Felled style sewing throughout the shirt seams ensures enhanced tear resistance

  • Mandarin-style collar can be worn up or down, with a velcro fastener for whether you’re feeling larpy or more business casual

  • Two dual tilted velcro chest pockets

  • Two dual arm velcro closure pockets

  • Velcro or button up wrist adjustments

  • Zip up front section with fabric covering



Standard USGI Sizing

Condition: From used to brand new with tags.

Manufacturing: NylonCotton Build

Many of these tops are privately purchased Tru-Spec or Propper pieces. They are not government issue, but were used by marines - as evidenced by them coming from a government lot sold from a US base.

Fifty percent Nylon material

Fifty percent Cotton material

Field Notes/Misty Supply Musings/Potential Uses/Trivia

  • Here at Misty Mountain Supply we are very proud to be one of the first companies to get our hands on anything MARPAT in large quantities… seeing as how MARPAT is the current camouflage in use by the United States Marine Corps, these are as hot off the press as surplus can come. It’s still taking its time to get around, so be sure to grab yourself some while it’s in stock, as it may be harder to find than older patterns such as UCP, especially for fellow canucks!

  • Desert MARPAT isn’t just useful in the desert, it actually is an excellent prairie camouflage as well as incredibly useful in the fall and spring when things are much more brown

  • These are a mix of Issued tops as well as personal purchases that were later surplused. Many of these uniforms are made by Propper or Tru-Spec - who have previously made issued uniforms but now only produce them commercially (these privately purchased uniforms are the ones we are referring to)

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The ACU cut that’s as clean as it is combat ready

Looking for an ACU cut that’s not in UCP? Tired of age-old and easy to find GWOT (Global War on Terror) camo patterns? Sick of Alibaba tier chinese knockoff digital desert patterns? Well, you’re in luck, and have come to the right place, because these United States Marine Corps Desert Marpat ACU Shirts are just the thing! Not only are they the most modern option for a gucci kit, they’re also brand new to hit the surplus market! With all the usual bells and whistles of the American ACU, many of the redundant and useless features of the UCP era ACU tops are gone! (Looking real hard at all those velcro fasteners on just about every section possible right now UCP bros…) Durable in every regard, and good for not only desert environments but also the yellowish and brown hued foliage of spring and autumn, these are a great addition to any collection or kit!

MARPAT (Marine Pattern)

MARPAT, short form for Marine Pattern, was a camo first conceived as a concept in 2001, and was eventually adopted between 2001 to 2002 as part of the Marine Corps Combat Utility Uniform program (MCCUU). The camo itself is made up of pixel generated designs, directly inspired and based around Canadian CADPAT (your favorite relish). Theoretically as a result, this allows it to exceed traditional camo fabric patterns by copying textures and jagged boundaries found in the environments it is used in. MARPAT also holds an intimidation factor, as used exclusively by the Marines, as it is intended to strike fear into opfor who see it and recognize their adversary by the aforementioned branch.


  • Resistant to fading, shrinking and wrinkling in the wash

  • Felled style sewing throughout the shirt seams ensures enhanced tear resistance

  • Mandarin-style collar can be worn up or down, with a velcro fastener for whether you’re feeling larpy or more business casual

  • Two dual tilted velcro chest pockets

  • Two dual arm velcro closure pockets

  • Velcro or button up wrist adjustments

  • Zip up front section with fabric covering



Standard USGI Sizing

Condition: From used to brand new with tags.

Manufacturing: NylonCotton Build

Many of these tops are privately purchased Tru-Spec or Propper pieces. They are not government issue, but were used by marines - as evidenced by them coming from a government lot sold from a US base.

Fifty percent Nylon material

Fifty percent Cotton material

Field Notes/Misty Supply Musings/Potential Uses/Trivia

  • Here at Misty Mountain Supply we are very proud to be one of the first companies to get our hands on anything MARPAT in large quantities… seeing as how MARPAT is the current camouflage in use by the United States Marine Corps, these are as hot off the press as surplus can come. It’s still taking its time to get around, so be sure to grab yourself some while it’s in stock, as it may be harder to find than older patterns such as UCP, especially for fellow canucks!

  • Desert MARPAT isn’t just useful in the desert, it actually is an excellent prairie camouflage as well as incredibly useful in the fall and spring when things are much more brown

  • These are a mix of Issued tops as well as personal purchases that were later surplused. Many of these uniforms are made by Propper or Tru-Spec - who have previously made issued uniforms but now only produce them commercially (these privately purchased uniforms are the ones we are referring to)

The ACU cut that’s as clean as it is combat ready

Looking for an ACU cut that’s not in UCP? Tired of age-old and easy to find GWOT (Global War on Terror) camo patterns? Sick of Alibaba tier chinese knockoff digital desert patterns? Well, you’re in luck, and have come to the right place, because these United States Marine Corps Desert Marpat ACU Shirts are just the thing! Not only are they the most modern option for a gucci kit, they’re also brand new to hit the surplus market! With all the usual bells and whistles of the American ACU, many of the redundant and useless features of the UCP era ACU tops are gone! (Looking real hard at all those velcro fasteners on just about every section possible right now UCP bros…) Durable in every regard, and good for not only desert environments but also the yellowish and brown hued foliage of spring and autumn, these are a great addition to any collection or kit!

MARPAT (Marine Pattern)

MARPAT, short form for Marine Pattern, was a camo first conceived as a concept in 2001, and was eventually adopted between 2001 to 2002 as part of the Marine Corps Combat Utility Uniform program (MCCUU). The camo itself is made up of pixel generated designs, directly inspired and based around Canadian CADPAT (your favorite relish). Theoretically as a result, this allows it to exceed traditional camo fabric patterns by copying textures and jagged boundaries found in the environments it is used in. MARPAT also holds an intimidation factor, as used exclusively by the Marines, as it is intended to strike fear into opfor who see it and recognize their adversary by the aforementioned branch.


  • Resistant to fading, shrinking and wrinkling in the wash

  • Felled style sewing throughout the shirt seams ensures enhanced tear resistance

  • Mandarin-style collar can be worn up or down, with a velcro fastener for whether you’re feeling larpy or more business casual

  • Two dual tilted velcro chest pockets

  • Two dual arm velcro closure pockets

  • Velcro or button up wrist adjustments

  • Zip up front section with fabric covering



Standard USGI Sizing

Condition: From used to brand new with tags.

Manufacturing: NylonCotton Build

Many of these tops are privately purchased Tru-Spec or Propper pieces. They are not government issue, but were used by marines - as evidenced by them coming from a government lot sold from a US base.

Fifty percent Nylon material

Fifty percent Cotton material

Field Notes/Misty Supply Musings/Potential Uses/Trivia

  • Here at Misty Mountain Supply we are very proud to be one of the first companies to get our hands on anything MARPAT in large quantities… seeing as how MARPAT is the current camouflage in use by the United States Marine Corps, these are as hot off the press as surplus can come. It’s still taking its time to get around, so be sure to grab yourself some while it’s in stock, as it may be harder to find than older patterns such as UCP, especially for fellow canucks!

  • Desert MARPAT isn’t just useful in the desert, it actually is an excellent prairie camouflage as well as incredibly useful in the fall and spring when things are much more brown

  • These are a mix of Issued tops as well as personal purchases that were later surplused. Many of these uniforms are made by Propper or Tru-Spec - who have previously made issued uniforms but now only produce them commercially (these privately purchased uniforms are the ones we are referring to)

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